Friday, June 6, 2014

Difference Samsung 6000 serie: H6400 H6500 H6700 H6670 H6200

The Samsung 6000 series 2014 is the midrange of televisions for sale during the first half 2015 by Samsung. The H6000 has SmartTV and *3D active. The available models Samsung H6200, H6400, H6410, H6500, H6670, H6700 and * HU6900. If new models appear we update this post.

The Samsung HU6900 is distinguished because it has a 4K resolution, that means it has a resolution Ultra HD, that is higher than usual FullHD. This model is the cheapest UHD 2014 and it hasn't 3D technology and it has only 200Hz CMR, much lower than other 4K models.
The other models Samsung H6200, H6400, H6410, H6500, H6670 and H6700 are very similar. What is the difference between the Samsung H6000 series of 2014?

As for image quality we can see that the difference is that the H6200 and HU6900 have 200Hz, the H6400/6410 and H6500 models have 400Hz and  H6670 and H6700 have 600Hz. Furthermore, the HU6900 include UHD  Dimming and H6670 and H6700 include Microdimming technology.

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The SmartTV is good and complete in all models with Quad-core processor, the H6200 is the only model that doesn't include the new Smart Control remote. It doesn't include 3D ​​glasses neither, so it is a model without extras.

Summarize our comparison: 
The Samsung H6200 is the cheapest model, especially because it doesn't include extras and it has 200Hz.
The Samsung H6290 is the same model as Samsung H6200 with a different design

The Samsung H6400 has 400Hz  and include 3D glasses and Smart remote control, the difference with the H6500 is minimal, it doesn't include the dual tuner.

The Samsung H6410 is the same that H6400 but another design. It should be borne in mind that in this model does not rotate the base. Also includes DVB-S2.

The Samsung H6500 improvement in incorporating the dual tuner, there aren't more differences with the H6400 model. 

The Samsung H6670 is the top of the midrange. The main difference is the technology MicroDimming and 600Hz also presents another design. (exclusive model for some store)

The Samsung H6700 is the same that the H6670. We can't find any difference.

The Samsung H6800 It is the only model in the H6000 series with curve screen. It's the same TV that Samsung H6640 except design and improved audio.

The Samsung HU6900 is another thing, because it is a model UHD, no 3D, 200Hz and has no dual tuner.

* Remember that there are also differences in design with larger models 65 and 75in.

Comparative Samsung H6 series 2014

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  1. Just went to Jonelewis today, was asked stuff there the differences between H6670 and H6700, they said H6670 doesn't include the dual tuner compare to H6700. That's the only differences. Hope that's helpful.=)

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