Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Difference between ES7000 ES8000 2012

Difference between Samsung ES7000 and ES8000?

The ES8000 model  is the top model of Samsung in 2012. The principal difference between these models is  in image quality; the ES7000 model incorporates a Micro Dimming Pro Technology and the ES8000 model incorporates the latest technology Micro Dimming Ultimate. An other difference is the TV base design. Also, we would like to say that there are £200 of difference between these models
You can check our list of You can find this TV in the list of Online Stores

Which is the model recommended? We don't know the correct answer, but the ES8000 model will be in the top of sales because this is the best Samsung TV for 2012. We recommend review the 2011 Samsung models:
The models are manufactured in 40, 46 and 55 inches:

Samsung 55ES7000

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  1. If you could write this article in English I might be able to understand it.

  2. Maybe you should do some research into led and lcd technology before you come in onto sites like these as i completely understood everything that was written and the main differences between both models!!
