Wednesday, June 10, 2015

2015 Best TV for gaming, input lag

What is the best gaming TV in 2015? We will recommend the best TVs for gamers, with approximate values ​​of input lag.

There are several important aspects to decide which TV is better to play, but the clincher for many gamers factor is the input-lag, the time from which you hit the button until Mario Bros jumps. Inputlag value is specified in the technical specifications but are web users and experts who calculate and publish those values. We have compiled the known values ​​of the sources believed to be more reliable.
What 2015 TV is better for gamers?
Depending on the budget we can find excellent 4K TVs to play or FullHD models. We do not recommend buying HD Ready TVs. Although 4K is not available for the moment it seems that the game will be one of the first markets to arrive.

The best TV to play:
  • Samsung JU7500: Input lag about 25ms, like all models of Samsung JU 2015 (4K), the models FullHD 2015 "J" have inputlag higher.
2014 recommended models:

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