Monday, May 9, 2016

Sony XD8599 our opinion 2016

The Sony XD8599 is a 2016 TV sales also in 2017. This TV is high-end and quite expensive. It is 4K resolution and is compatible with HDR, It doesn't incorporate 3D technology. The Sony XD8599 is the Android Smart TV platform, which follows a little behind the competition. The picture quality is good, except for the contrast and riding a panel IPS that if we turn off the lights and watch movies with very black blacks can see that they are shallow. This TV has against a wide angle Sony visión.El XD8599 is the same TV that the XD8505 with the only difference of Motion Flow, the difference is not important so we recommend to you buying the cheapest of the two models.

Technical / Specifications:

Technology: IPS Triluminous
Resolution 4K 
Motion Flow: 1000Hz
Smart TV: Android TV
View all specifications (Sony website)

Design Sony XD8599:

Sony XD8599 (

Model Name: What's the meaning of the name of Sony 2016 TV?
  • Sony XBR-55XD8599
  • Sony XBR-65XD8599

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