Thursday, June 2, 2016

Best 32-inch TV 2016-2017

32-inch televisions are considered small. Most models are offered in more than 40 inches. All 32-inch models are FullHD. There are no models 2016 4K resolution at this size. What is the best TV 32 inch 2016?

We have chosen the best of each brand: Samsung K5500, LG LH604V, Panasonic DS500B  and Sony WD755

Best TV 32 "2016

Samsung K5500: is a good TV with Smart, VA panel, the better to watch TV in the dark than other models. The Smart is good.

LG LH604V: Best Smart, IPS panel so not recommended for a room. Ideal for sports or to see in well-lit rooms, also from the sides.

Panasonic DS500B: The Smart is limited, besides the 32 inch model is not fullHD, so this model is less than the rest. (Other models: CS503)

Sony WD755: VA Panel, good image quality, but the Smart is old (pretty bad).


Samsung K5500: £259.99  
LG LH604V: £329.99
Panasonic DS500B: £284.20
Sony WD755: £423.26


The 32-inch models this year 2016 are low-end, there is no model with 4K resolution and all are flat screen. If you are considering a TV for the room we recommend the model Samsung K5500 as it is more suitable for watching TV in the dark, otherwise, if you think of a TV for a kitchen or living room well lit the best option is the LG LH604V even the LG LH590V which is somewhat cheaper.

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