Monday, January 30, 2017

Which TV should you buy March 2017?

We recommend the best models at best price that can be purchased during March 2017. For Christmas parties there are many offers from almost all stores, both physical and online, but not all models are recommended for all uses. If you are not clear which TV you need, we recommend you visit our TV buying guide.

In this post we recommend what TV to buy according to the uses of the TV. We will update it as soon as new offers appear.

FullHD to Watch TV:

All FullHD models
"All" current models are well for watching TV programs, series and movies with medium quality, these models include SmartTV, etc ... but if you are not going to view 4K quality content you do not need to spend more than necessary . These TVs are suitable for average users who do not want to spend a lot on a normal TV.
  • Samsung K5500: One of the most recommended fullHD to watch from the front and for any situation of light in the room, ideal also for bedrooms. The Smart is one of the best and is only advised against viewing the TV from the sides.
  • LG LH590V: Good TV for all audiences, ideal for the whole family, good Smart and for all uses less to watch movies in the dark. You can also look for the LG LH604V a little better and sometimes the same price.
  • Sony WD757: Good TV in image quality, IPS panel so it looks good from different angles, Smart is somewhat lower than other brands.

TV 4K mid range cheap:

All 4K TVs
Most mid-range models and all high-end models are currently 4K, which means they are prepared for UltraHD resolution. These TVs are recommended for medium users, who want a TV ready for the new resolution, especially if they are users of Blue-ray, TV platform like Netflix, ... These TVs are compatible with HDR but the panel is 8Bits Which will not be able to offer the full color palette of the future HDR. What are 8-bit TVs?
  • Samsung KU6000: One of the cheapest 4K models recommended. One of the best Smart 2016 platforms, good contrast, deep blacks, limited viewing angle. You can also search for KU6400
  • LG UH668V: The best Smart, good image quality, connectivity, brightness, ideal for sports, good in FullHD and 4K content. Not recommended for dark movies. Good viewing angle. You can search for similar models at a similar price UH650V / UH661V

4K-HDR high-mid TV:

All HDR10 TVs
These are high-end models, their price is quite higher than 4K and their panel is 10bits, which means they can offer all the colors of HDR content. These TVs are recommended for those who are looking for the best image quality, for those who want to play the new consoles prepared with HDR, ...
  • Samsung KS7000: the most recommended TV of the year, good in everything, VA panel, for all uses and also for gamers. 
  • LG UH770V: Excellent Smart, not recommended for watching TV in the dark but good in everything else. Ideal for watching sports and for a family use, cheaper than the Samsung and also 10bits. 
  • Philips PUS6501: Image quality is good, typical of IPS panels: good brightness, good viewing angle and poor contrast. The cheapest HDR with 10-bit panel.

Best gamer TV:

TV for gamers
Those who want a TV to play should look at some specifications that do not matter to other users like the inputlag. The most recommended TV for real gamers in value for money is the Samsung KS7000 that supports 4K and HDR10 to enjoy the new games. If your budget is low you can look for the KU6400, with good inputlag but no HDR10. If you want the best of the best to play the best options are: Sony XD9305 or Samsung KS9000 / 9500

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