Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Samsung Smart Tizen 2017 Review

Samsung Smart TVs are the best selling today. Its Smart platform is called Tizen and is fairly well considered.
The Smart platform is the one that allows us to access Internet content and connect our devices to the TV among other functions.

*It is necessary to confirm that this is the interface

Samsung Tizen 3rd generation:

It actually looks like the name is simply Tizen for the Smart Samsung 2017 but this is the third consecutive year they launch televisions with this platform. The interface is simple and it is easy to find what you are looking for. It is one that has more applications available.
The Tizen is well considered from the beginning, it is quite robust (it hangs but it hangs little). Last year they changed the presentation enough to make it easier, this year they make few changes but they continue in this line. Highlights a new remote control: important to look at 2017 models include (high-end). Some new applications like: Sports, TVPlus, ... and little else. Samsung repeats with its system of the previous year that already was one of the best. It may contain an advertisement box on the Smart Main Menu page.

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