Monday, January 8, 2018

Best TV 40-43 inches 2017-2018


Most televisions that are sold are of this screen size. We always recommend: the bigger is better. However most users have enough of those inches or no more space.

The best televisions of the year are not available in this size, they are 49-55 inches or larger. In this post we recommend the best of each brand available in 40-43 inches.

Best TV 40-43 inches first half of 2018

  • Sony XE8005: IPS panel with wide viewing angle, not recommended for watching movies, in the dark. 43 inches £650
  • LG UJ750V: IPS Panel, best for viewing in rooms with some light, wide viewing angle and good Smart. 43 inches £500.
  • Panasonic EX700B: Panel VA, good for gamers, cinema, etc ... better to see from the front, with light or dark room. 40 inches £650.
  • Samsung MU6400: Better to see from the front. The best quality-price for non-demanding users. Available in 40 and 43 inches for £500.

Smsng MU6400 Sony XE8005 Pana EX700 LG UJ750V
Image Quality 7 7 7 7
Movies 8 5 8 6
Viewing Angle 6 8,5 7 8,5
sports 7,5 7,5 7,5 7,5
TVShows 7,5 8 8 8
Gamers 8 7 8 8
HDR 7 6,5 7 7,5
Smart 9 8 7 9
Audio 7 7 7 7,5
Price 8,5 7 7 8,5
Rating 7,55 7,15 7,35 7,75


We can differentiate between IPS and VA panel televisions. Also we see as the price varies a lot, we recommend you choose between VA Samsung or LG IPS.

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