Thursday, July 26, 2018

Best TV 40-43 inches of 2018 in UK

43-inch size is one of the most currently sold, it is well suited for not too big eaters and although we recommend a bigger screen better there are many buyers who think it is an ideal size. The size of 40 "is also available but there are few models in that size.
The best televisions for first half of 2019 are not available in 43 inches, the best are only available from 55in. We recommend which are the best televisions that you can buy in 43 inches during 2018.

The main features of these TVs are: 4K resolution, Smart, HDR compatible, flat screen, good image quality, midrange.
  • Samsung NU7400: Samsung's midrange is always a safe, enough for almost all users except the most demanding, good Smart and better to see front. 
  • Sony XF8096: Good TV although not as good at color reproduction as Sony's high-end 2018, just Smart. 
  • LG UK6750: LG's average range with good image, good Smart, better to see with some light on than in the dark.
Our Score:
This assessment is totally subjective, with non-absolute values ​​but comparative ones. The best TV of the year has a 10 in image quality and we value the rest from that reference.

Smsg NU74 Sony XF80 LG UK6
Picture Quality 7,5 7,5 7
Movies 7,5 7 6
Angle vision 7 8 8
Sports 7,5 7 7
TVShows 7,5 7,5 7
Gamers 8 8 8
HDR 7 7 7
Smart 8 7,5 8,5
Audio 7 7 6,5
Value-price 7 7 7
Valuation 7,4 7,35 7,2

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