Sunday, January 7, 2018

Best TV 49-50 inches 2017 - 2018


First half of 2018 models are available in 49 inches, this is a recommended size to view from 2m away with quality content and a little more if we are going to see mainly TVShows.
Almost all low-, mid- and high-end televisions are available in 50 inches although the best televisions of the year are 55 inches or more. We recommend the best 49-50 inch TV that can be purchased in first half of 2018.

Best TV 49-50 inches 2017 and first half of 2018

  • Sony XE9005: VA Panel DirectLED with good uniformity and deep blacks, better to see from the front than from the sides. 49 inches £1200
  • LG SJ810V: IPS 10-bit panel, better to see in rooms with some light. Good Smart and wide viewing angle. 49 inches £1000.
  • Panasonic EX750B: 10 bit VA panel with 3D. A very complete TV good image and extras, price a bit high. Available 50 inches £1300
  • Samsung MU8000: 8-bit VA panel. Good image but a bit behind the direct competition. At 49 inches for £1100.

LG SJ810V Pana EX750B Smsng MU8000 Sony XE9005
Image Quality 7,5 7,5 7 8,5
Movies 6 8 8 8,5
Viewing Angle 8,5 7 6 7,5
sports 8 8 7,5 8
TV Shows 8 8 8 8,5
Gamers 8 9 8,5 8
HDR 7,5 7 8 7
Smart 9 8 9 8
Audio 8 7,5 7 7,5
Price 8 7 7 9
Rating 7,85 7,65 7,6 8


The Sony XE9005 is one of the best TVs that can be bought in value for money and ranks as the best in 49 inches available in stores. The LG is the only IPS and also the cheapest, good choice if you are not going to watch the TV in the dark or you will see the TV from the sides. Panasonic is the most complete, the only one that includes 3D. We do not recommend buying the Samsung MU8005 in general.

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