Friday, April 24, 2020

What is Samsung's OneConnect?

Samsung's OneConnect system is only available on higher-end models, is based on a junction box that is outside the TV, and with a single cable connects to the screen.

This 'one connect' concept also includes the electrical outlet on that single cable, which is why hanging the TV on the wall is much cleaner and easier if you do not have to connect HDMI, Ethernet cables etc.

In the box we can find:
  • HDMI connections
  • Ethernet
  • Antenna
  • USB

* It is important that the place you choose to place the junction box is a ventilated place as it may slightly overheat.

We can say that it seems to us a great idea, but only useful if you are going to hang the TV on the wall since taking out cables is quite cumbersome, if you are going to use the usual base and place it on a piece of furniture, the OneConnect box is comfortable, but It is also not a problem to make the connections as usual.

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