Thursday, April 16, 2020

Samsung TU8000 vs TU8500: recommendation which one to buy in 2020

The Samsung TU8000 and TU8500 are the two mid-range Samsung 4K televisions in 2020. These TVs are intended for the general public, users who want a good modern TV, with good connectivity, a Smart platform to be able to see Movistar or Netflix and little plus. They are televisions we do not recommend for very large rooms due to their low angle of view.

In general they are two very similar televisions, they share most of the technical specifications: 4K, HDR10, 8Bits + FCR, VA panel, native 50hz, ...

Main differences:
The superior model TU8500 has DualLED technology, which allows for better color reproduction. TU8000 is PurColor. Also the PQI is 2800Hz for the 2100Hz of the TU8000.

The TU8000 replaces the side legs with the central base of the TU8500
For us it is worth stretching the budget until we reach the Samsung TU8500, the improvement is little, but being in image quality we consider it a notable improvement. For the rest they are the same TV, if you go to the store and see the TU8000 correctly it is enough and you save something on your budget, although the price difference is not much. If you are looking for the cheapest Samsung 4K TV you can see our: comparison TU8000 vs TU7100.


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