Thursday, April 16, 2020

Samsung Q95T vs Q90R (Q90T)

The Samsung Q90T / Q95T is the 2020 model and the Q90R the 2019 model. The only difference between the Samsung Q95T and the Q90T is the OneConnect box.

From the outset we must say that both are magnificent televisions, they are within the highest range of current 4K televisions. They share most of the technical features and extras, but the Q90R is somewhat superior, strange as it may seem, the Q95T 2020 TV is more similar to the 2019 Samsung Q85R than the Q90R, although it is really difficult to tell the difference.

Main difference:
The main difference is in the image control zones, the more the better, and the number of attenuation zones of the Q95T is less than the Q90R, so it should have better contrast. On the other hand, the PQI rises from 4,000 in 2019 to 4,300 in 2020, insignificant.

The Q90T is a little bit thinner: 5mm


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