Monday, May 6, 2019

Comparison Sony XG9005 XF9005: Which is better?

The televisions of Sony XF9005 and XG9005 are the same version of different years. We consider the XF90 it last year as the best quality-price TV of the year, in the medium-high range. The XG9005 is the evolution with few significant differences.

The first thing is that the screen size of the new model is only available in 49 ", so if you are looking for a TV of 55" or more you must choose between the XF9005 or the superior model of this year XG9505 (more expensive).

The HDR image quality depends partly on the processor, both have a good brightness level and the 4K HDR X1 Extreme processor. Both are compatible with HDR10 and DolbyVision.

The price of 49 inches (if you find it on offer) of the Sony XG9005 is over ‎£1000 and the Sony XF9005 over ‎£8500, a difference paid for the novelty, not the difference in image quality.


The panel is VA FALD with native 100Hz in both models, compatible with some of the best HDR formats, good contrast, better to see front etc. They are two very good televisions for the price they have, very similar and seeing them side by side we are not able to notice the difference. We would buy the XF9005 and save those ‎£150 for a good sound bar.

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