Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Difference LG UP7700 UP7500 UP8000 UP8100 UP7690


 These are LG's most affordable 2021 4K TVs. There are many models with few differences that we are going to comment on below. Models range from UP7500 to UP8100.

LG 2021 TVs share several main features: 4K resolution, good Smart platform (webOS6.0), IPS panel (except in 50-inch sizes), native 50hz, DirectLED, 8bits, ...

Comparison LG UP7500 vs UP7690 vs UP7700 vs UP8000 vs UP8100 vs UP7800

The LG UP8100 is the tallest and the UP8000 are identical televisions and the only difference between them is the base with two legs or central crescent.

The LG UP7700 has fewer connectors, a USB port and two HDMI, the same as the UP7690, which are identical but in this case in white (available in fewer screen sizes). The imported UP7800 model is also available in some stores, which is identical with a different base design.

The LG UP7500 shares all the imaging features but is a bit cheaper `because it doesn't include the MagicControl remote. The color of the TV also varies from Dark Iron Gray and Ash Blue on the back and the UP7500 is Ceramic Black and Black on the back.


For us there are no significant differences and if you search well there are no big price differences either, depending on the current offers you can find one or the other cheaper. If we have to choose, we are left with the UP7700 that does include the Magic Control remote control that is a pointer and allows voice commands.

Full review of all models:

  • LG UP75006LF
  • LG UP76906LE
  • LG UP77006LB
  • LG UP78006LB
  • LG UP80006LA
  • LG UP81006LA

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