The most important aspects that we look for a good choice, are: SmartTV, viewing angle, 3D ...
The Smart TV is included, most models incorporate it, although there are some far better than others, you can visit our post: What is the best SmartTV 2014?
The viewing angle has a lot to do with the type of panel. IPS panels offer the best viewing angle, so they are advised to see the TV from different angles, quite common in large families. Besides the passive 3D TVs offer IPS is less tiring for the eyes and cheaper if you have to buy 3D glasses.
Definitely our best advice to the family LED TV models are LG 2014, with good viewing angle, good 3D and SmartTV one of the best.
- LG LB580V low end SmartTV (Classic)
- LG LB650V midrange 3D and SmartTV (webOS)
- LG LB870V
high-end 3D and SmartTV (webOS)
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