Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Sony XE8077: Midrange 4K SmartTV

The Sony XE8077 is a HDR 4K model for first half of 2018. This TV is mid-range, with a medium-high price. The image quality is good overall and the Smart works with Android, which at the moment is not too recommended but we expect a good update during 2017. The Sony XE8077 is exactly the same model as the Sony XE8096, with the only difference of color Frame, which in this case is silver and in the case of Sony XE8096 is black.

Technical / Specifications:

Specs and comments are of the specific product,
the same model can undergo important variations
Screen: 43 and 49 inches. Flat IPS
Resolution: 4K UHD 3840x2160
Smart TVAndroidTV 

Design Sony XE8077:

XE8077 variants:
XE8005 200Hz
XE8088 400Hz
XE8096 400Hz
XE8099 400Hz

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